Repair & Restoration

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Sometimes, repairing, refinishing or restoring old furniture makes more sense than getting rid of it altogether and replacing it with new ones. This is more so if there is sentimental value attached to the furniture. Think of the classic sofa that’s been passed down your family for generations or the mega dresser you inherited from grandma. Sometimes, it is pieces you sourced from exotic or faraway places and can’t bear to dispose of them just yet. The cost of restoring furniture is several times lower than buying new furniture, making cot implications another reason to restore furniture rather than buy new. Whichever the situation may be for you, knowing what to anticipate from the furniture repair or restoration company helps keep your expectations reasonable, and prepares you for what’s doable and what’s not.

If you’ve used furniture for a lengthy time, it’s likely to have developed scratches, dents and deformities of different types. The first step of restoring the furniture involves stripping the top surface (usually the finish) to reveal the true state of the wood underneath. Thereafter, the repair process begins, and may involve filling in any dents, buffing the scratches, repairing any torn or broken bits, tightening any loose bits, and sanding the piece till it looks as good and smooth as new. If you would like to restore furniture of vintage or antique-ish value, choose a restorer who understands the value of the furniture and will do everything to preserve this value. The one thing you’ll need to be clear about from the start is whether to give the furniture a completely new look or to maintain most of the original look.


Uniqcare Repairs

Uniqcare is one of the leading furniture repair companies in the UK worth trying if you have damaged furniture and looking to have it repaired or restored instead of replacing it. The company has a team of furniture specialists wh...